Managed Portfolios
While we tailor investment solutions to match each client's unique objectives and portfolio parameters, client risk profiles typically align with the following categories. In such cases, investments will replicate model portfolios.
Our Managed Portfolios are designed to generate returns and/or income that align with investor parameters, driven by thorough fundamental research and investment decisions. Our specialization lies in Asian equities. For our managed portfolios, our approach combines top-down and bottom-up strategies to maximize returns.
We’re Here to Help You
What is a Managed Portfolio?
A managed portfolio is an investment strategy where a team of professionals actively manages your investments on your behalf. It aims to help you achieve your financial goals while considering your risk tolerance and preferences.
What Are the Benefits of a Managed Portfolio?
A Managed Portfolio differs from a Wholesale fund structure, as the clients’ investments are not affected by the capital movements of the fund caused by other investors. The portfolio consists of assets solely owned by individual investors.
What Types of Assets Are Included in a Managed Portfolio?
Managed portfolios may include a mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other assets, depending on your investment strategy and objectives.
What Regulatory and Compliance Standards Do You Follow?
We adhere to all relevant financial regulations and compliance standards, prioritizing transparency, and the best interests of our clients.